열대 섬에서 많은 별과 은하수가 있는 아름다운 밤하늘을 찍고 있는 천체 사진가

사명과 역사

혁신이 필요한 분야에 더 나은 성과를 제공하여 인류의 발전을 도모합니다.

고객이 특허와 관련된 업무를 진행하고 특정 기술의 향후 전망을 이해하고자 할 때 LexisNexis®️ Intellectual Property Solutions은
사회가 작동하는 방식을 근본적으로 변화시킬 잠재력이
고객에게 있다고 믿습니다. 우리는 인류의 발전을 위해 노력하는 이러한 혁신가들을 직접 지원하고 돕는 것을 자랑스럽게

지속가능혁신 측정 프레임워크
농장 분석을 위해 디지털 태블릿을 사용중인 여성 농학자의 편집 사진. 정원에서 디지털 태블릿 앱을 통해 식물의 성장 데이터를 업데이트 중인 여성.

지속 가능한 혁신을 명확하게

지속가능성은 언제나 중요한 문제였지만, 요즘에는 일상적인
업무 처리에서도 지속가능성을 고려해야 한다는 압박이
증가하고 있습니다. 

UN 법치주의 운영 위원회의 적극적인 기여자인 LexisNexis는 UN 지속가능발전목표(UN SDG) 실행을 지원해온 것을
자랑스럽게 여깁니다.

이제 우리는 UN SDG에 대한 글로벌 특허의 매핑을 통해 공정한 지속가능성 측정값을 원하는 기업들의 증가하는 요구를
충족시킴으로써 혁신을 명확하게 추구하고 지구의 문제들을
해결하기 위한 긴급 조치들을 지원하고 있습니다. 

컴퓨터 키보드 위의 경매용 또는 법원용 망치. 법률 관련 기술 컨셉. 변호사 책상 위 컴퓨터에 놓인 판사의 망치.

저희는 RELX와 LexisNexis Legal and Professional의 사업부입니다.

LexisNexis Legal and Professional는 고객의 생산성 향상, 의사
결정 및 성과 개선, 그리고 전 세계 법치주의를 지원하기 위한
법률, 규제, 비즈니스 정보와 분석을 제공하는 글로벌 업체이며
저희는 그 사업부 중 하나입니다.

LexisNexis의 모회사인 RELX는 전 세계 180개 이상의 국가에서
비즈니스 전문가용 정보 기반 분석 및 의사 결정 도구를
고객들에게 제공하고 있습니다.

팀원 보기

혁신에 명확성을 제공하는 팀원을 소개합니다.

Michael Ford

Sr. Director of Human Resources

Michael Ford is the Sr. Director of Human Resources where he is responsible for overseeing, leading and directing the global HR function for the LexisNexis Reed Tech organization. Mike has been with Reed Tech for 20 years. He brings more than 30 years of both operational experience and human resources leadership to Reed Tech.

Prior to joining the Reed Tech team, Mike spent over 10 years with The National Drying Machinery Company (a leading OEM in the food and chemical processing industries) where he held a number of positions including VP of Human Resources. Mike received a Bachelor of Science degree from Kutztown University. He is currently on the advisory board of the American Heritage Federal Credit Union.

Larry Hoenig

Director of Operations

Larry Hoenig is Director of Operations of Global Commercial IP Solutions for LexisNexis. Larry has responsibility for the teams that support content and product development in the IP space. He has been with LexisNexis for 24 years and with LexisNexisIP for the past seven years.

Larry has held a number of roles over that time including marketing, segment strategy, product and operations. Throughout his career, he has been closely engaged with the legal research and technology market and understands customer needs and workflows. Larry received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh. Prior to coming to LexisNexis, Larry worked for a technology firm specializing in helping large government and commercial entities find solutions to their business challenges through the application of technology.

Larry enjoys photography, sports and spending time with his family in his spare time.

Michael Langford

Chief Financial Officer

Michael Langford is the Chief Financial Officer for LexisNexis Reed Tech responsible for leading the Accounting, Finance Planning and Analysis, Contract Administration and Site of office services organization. With over 27 years of experience specializing in Life Science, multinational, finance leadership roles, Mike has acquired a diverse background of financial, commercial operations and business development expertise that has enabled him to provide financial leadership across functions and markets.

Throughout his career at Bristol-Myers Squibb and ConvaTec, Mike has worked in both large multinational as well as small carve out/startup environments. He has successfully led numerous project teams that have yielded significant synergies, process improvement driving substantial revenue and profit growth. Mike has an MBA from Rider University and his BS in Finance from Fairfield University. He is a founding member, past President and an active board member of a nonprofit youth organization.

Andrew Matuch

President, LexisNexis Reed Tech and Intellectual Property Solutions

Andrew Matuch is the President of the Intellectual Property, Regulatory and Life Sciences Solutions segments of LexisNexis Legal & Professional (“LNLP”), which provide unrivaled data analytics and workflow products, research tools and content management solutions for government agencies, the intellectual property market and the life sciences industry.

Prior to his current role, Andrew was Chief Strategy Officer for RELX, the parent company of LNLP. There, he developed the overall strategic plan for RELX, worked with business areas across RELX to refine their strategies and operating plans, and led centers of excellence in Pricing, Customer Analytics, Lean Product Development and Innovation. Andrew joined RELX in 2012 as EVP Global Strategy and Business Development for LNLP, where he helped develop the legal analytics expansion strategy.

Earlier in his career, Andrew was a Partner and Co-Leader of the Global TMT Practice at OC&C Strategy Consultants, supporting the information industry with growth strategies, M&A advisory, competitive analysis, customer segmentation, sales and marketing optimization, and pricing.

Andrew holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Williams College. Outside of work, Andrew enjoys squash, reading, and learning to be the best dad and husband he can be.

Jessica Morel

Chief Marketing Officer & Head of Employee Experience

Jessica is the CMO of LexisNexis Intellectual Property & Head of Employee Experience for the LexisNexis Reed Tech division. She is responsible for leading a cohesive global marketing strategy and internal communications and engagement strategy for the business.

Before joining LexisNexis, she was Vice President of Global Marketing & Employee Experience at Oracle, where she led Oracle Data Cloud’s global marketing organization. She joined Oracle through its 2015 acquisition of Datalogix, where she created and grew the marketing function from its inception.

Earlier in her career, Jessica worked as an advertising agency executive at agencies such as Digitas, leading relationships with world-class brands, including Intercontinental Hotels Group, Volkswagen, and Proctor & Gamble. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Communications from Boston University and resides outside Philadelphia with her husband and two boys.

Marco Richter

Head of Global Customer Success

Marco is the Head of Global Customer Success for LexisNexis PatentSight, a subsidiary of LexisNexis Intellectual Property. Marco has joined PatentSight over ten years ago as the first employee. Initially working in the consulting business for PatentSight, running projects for DAX 30 and Fortune 500 companies, he also actively drove the transformation of PatentSight into a software company. He built the Data Harmonization Team and created the Consulting & Customer Success Team for PatentSight. He has strong ties to academia and international patent offices and is actively engaging with IP leaders and practitioners. Marco is known for his extraordinary customer focus, embracing continuous change and development to find new opportunities to deliver better outcomes for the innovation community.

He is a proud father of two, who keep him busy and provide tons of joy. He enjoys hiking & biking in the countryside and cooking family dinners, especially on the BBQ.

우리는 혁신을 가속화하고
비즈니스를 지원합니다.

고객이 목표를 달성하도록 돕는 것이 우리의 우선순위입니다. 우리는 혁신가들이 정보에 기반한 결정을
내리고 생산성을 높이고 궁극적으로 더 나은 결과를 얻을 수 있도록 지원함으로써 더 많은 것들을
성취하게 합니다.

특별 뉴스

LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions의 최신 활동에 대해 더 알아보세요.

World IP Day Photo (2)

Celebrating World Intellectual Property Day 2022: IP and Youth Innovating for A Better Future

It is a privilege to join the World Intellectual Property Organization in celebrating IP and Youth: Innovating for a Better Future.

LexisNexis® Introduces LexisNexis PatentAdvisor® Extension, Free Web Tool to Display Patent Examiner Stats on USPTO Websites

LexisNexis®️ Introduces LexisNexis PatentAdvisor️®️ Extension, Free Web Tool to Display Patent Examiner Stats on USPTO Websites.

The 2022 Global Top 100

LexisNexis® Acknowledges the World’s Outperforming Companies With its “Innovation Momentum 2022: The Global Top 100” Report

LexisNexis® acknowledges the world’s outperforming companies with its “Innovation Momentum 2022: The Global Top 100” report.

저희와 함께 하고 싶으신가요?

혁신이 필요한 분야에 더 나은 성과를 제공하여 인류의 발전을 도모하는 것이 저희의 사명입니다.

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LexisNexis Cares—More Than 640 Hours Volunteered in One Day

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